Our Philosophy

At Grandpa Ted’s, we believe that the best solutions are simple ones.

We also know that the most important thing you put in your body is water. Unfortunately, it is estimated that nearly 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated.

Additionally, only about 1% of Americans consume the daily recommended amount of the 4 major electrolyte groups: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium.

As someone who consistently would use electrolyte enhancers on the market today, I found them to be too expensive per serving (very expensive to use them daily), too much sugar and sweetener, and too many confusing ingredients.

Me and my brother teamed up with a mission to solve a very simple problem:

How do we reduce the percentage of Americans living chronically dehydrated in a simple, affordable way?

In the near future, we plan on improving the experience of using hydration supplements as well - by creating a one-touch dispensing mechanism to reduce the hassle of measuring out (or single use) hydration supplements.




Simplicity Effectiveness Affordability

Our Promise


We partnered with a dietician / nutritionist to carefully select bioavailable electrolyte compounds that enhance hydration and overall well-being.


Our goal is to only give our customers exactly what they need to be hydrated. Nothing more, nothing less.


We aren’t trying to sell you a sugar-packed, glorified “sports drink”. Our formula is designed to be simple, and practically tasteless in a 24-oz bottle of water.


Say goodbye to $1+ per-serving hydration supplements. Our goal is to make every serving just a fraction of a dollar.